
Workshops are a crucial component of the academic and professional development programmes of a college. They give both students and faculty members a place to learn and develop their knowledge and abilities in a variety of fields. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell’s (IQAC) workshops are a key component of raising college education standards overall.

Planning, coordinating, and leading workshops that serve the requirements of both faculty and students fall under the purview of the IQAC. These courses are created to keep up with the most recent trends and advancements in a variety of sectors and to give participants practical training. They also strive to enhance the college’s administrative procedures, research initiatives, and teaching-learning processes.

The workshops that IQAC offers for students are equally significant since they give them a platform to learn and develop their abilities outside of the scope of their regular academic studies. These workshops may cover a variety of subjects, including soft skills, career guidance, communication skills, leadership abilities, and entrepreneurship. Students can prepare for their future occupations by participating in workshops that are meant to give them practical instruction and hands-on experience.

IQAC’s workshops are essential for the general growth of both teachers and students, to sum up. These workshops offer a setting for learning, skill development, and professional growth, which can serve to raise the standard of instruction at the college.

To ensure staff and students’ academic and professional development, colleges must emphasise and promote their attendance at these seminars.