Best Practices -2020-21
Best Practice 1
- Title of the Practice : COVID-19 Sampling and Vaccination Assistance
- Objectives of the Practice: To assist doctoral staff of civil hospital, Amb for COVID-19 Sampling, Vaccination and Field duty.
- The Context: During the COVID-19 sampling and vaccination some of the doctoral and other staff of civil-hospital Amb were infected with COVID. In this situation services for our faculty members were demanded by local administration for sampling and vaccination.
- The Practice: During this duty Mr. Anil Verma (Assistant Professor –Department of Computer Applications) was consulted for sampling data collection solution. Prof. Anil Verma prepared a QR enabled solution for data collection and auto generated COVID-19 RT-PCR slips for civil hospital Amb. The solution was very useful to control the flow of public gathered for sampling during field visits.
- Evidence of Success: The solution framed by Prof. Anil Verma was used to collect COVID-19 sampling data of over 20,000 individuals during 2020-21. An appreciation letter for his commendable work has been issued by Block Medical Officer, Civil Hospital, Amb.
- Problems Encountered and Resources Required: During field visits for sampling it was difficult to control the public gathering due to single counter manual entry on register. A parallel easy to use sampling registration solution is required for effective and stress-free sampling.
- Notes (Optional): Preparation of COVID-19 RT-PCR slips for sampling tubes was also a challenging and time consuming task for hospital staff. An easy to use auto generated solution for the same was also designed. In addition to this 6 other faculty members dedicatedly performed sampling and vaccination duty for about 30 days.

Best Practice 2
- Title of the Practice: Social Service During COVID-19 by NCC Cadets and NSS Volunteers.
- Objectives of the Practice: To Conduct Online classes for 11th and 12th standard by NSS Volunteers under the title NSS-Meri Pathshala and Ex-NCC Yogdan by NCC Cadets.
- The Context: Services of NCC cadets were required to assist local police of district Una. State-Level NSS initiative NSS-Meri Pathshala required services of NSS Volunteers for the executions of this programme.
- The Practice: 24 NCC cadets were deployed to assist local police and maintenance of COVID-19 SOP in the surrounding areas. All the cadets performed on ground duty and helped the administration during pandemic time. 6 NSS volunteers participated in NSS-Meri Pathshala programme and executed online classes for 11th and 12th standard students. Our college student Gaurav Thakur of BSc. 3rd year was the coordinator of this programme.
- Evidence of Success: 24 NCC cadets performed duty for about 25 days under Ex-NCC-Yogdan. Further about 1100 students registered under NSS-Meri Pathshala programme from different districts of Himachal Pradesh. The programme component “Masti ki Pathshala” for the promotion of fun-learning received lots of appreciation.
- Problems Encountered and Resources Required: During COVID-19 the opening time for market was very limited and to control the public gathering during that time period was a challenging task for local administration. The support of NCC cadets made this task quite easier for local administration. Further in the absence of school to engage students in learning practices was also difficult, but grate initiatives like NSS-Meri Pathshala and Masti ki Pathshala made it easier for society.
- Notes (Optional): 24 NCC cadets also received a total sum of Rs. 86856.00 as a transport and maintenance allowance during their services under Ex-NCC-Yogdan. Under “Masti ki Pathshala” different guests from Kerala, West-Bangal, Gujrat and Punjab were also invited to share their culture and customs with students of Himachal Pradesh. Further, the NSS-Meri Pathshala programme run for 100 days during the lockdown.

BEST PRACTICES SSR 2018-19 to 2022-23
Title of the Practice: Empowering Youth through Comprehensive NCC/NSS Training
Selection of eligible candidates for enrolment as NCC Cadets and NSS Volunteers.
Creation of an optimal environment to cultivate the abilities of NCC Cadets and NSS Volunteers.
Engagement of NCC Cadets and NSS Volunteers in NCC, NSS, and associated endeavours.
Strengthen collaboration between NCC and NSS through coordinated initiatives.
Offer diverse opportunities to rural youth for experiential learning through outreach
Equip and empower rural youth to actively contribute to nation-building endeavours.
The Context:
Many students enrolled in the college hail from rural areas and disadvantaged backgrounds, often lacking interpersonal skills, which poses challenges in both personal and professional spheres.
Recognizing this need, NCC and NSS, as prominent national organizations, offer comprehensive training programs geared towards enhancing interpersonal skills.
A significant portion of students in this region aspire to pursue careers in the Indian Army, Navy, and other armed forces. NCC, in particular, equips them with pertinent knowledge and skills essential for these career paths.
The Practice:
Students undergo rigorous training through the NCC and NSS programs, which encourages their active participation in all college
activities. This approach is designed to enhance their interpersonal skills, life skills, and soft skills, contributing to their overall personal
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Evidence of Success:
One NSS volunteer participated in the Republic Day Camp parade in 2021.
One NCC cadet achieved first rank in Inter-state Goju-Ryu Karate Championship-2022 at Faridkoat, Punjab.
Over 30 cadets participated in various national-level camps, including Ek-Bharat-Shrestha-Bharat, TSC, AAC, Pre-RDC, State-RDC, and Him-Trek Camp.
Eighteen NCC cadets actively participated in the COVID-19 task force.
Over 200 units of blood were donated through independent and collaborative blood donation camps over the past 5 years.
More than 30 students achieved A-grade in the NCC-CEE Certificate examination.
More than 40 students achieved A-grade in the NCC-BEE Certificate examination.
Many activities such as plantation drives, awareness rallies, cleanliness drives, hand on training on disaster management were conducted over the past 5 years.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
In the previous selection process, NSS Cadets were chosen based on their physical strength and performance in ground activities, while NSS Volunteers were selected on a first-come, first-served basis. However, this approach resulted in challenges for cadets and volunteers in their future endeavours, as mental resilience is also crucial. Many academically proficient students who were average in physical activities were excluded from selection, and reluctant to participate in other outreach activities arose. Additionally, academically strong students often refrained from joining NCC/NSS due to concerns about compromising their studies, leading to difficulties in balancing academic commitments with extracurricular involvement. Enhancing motivation and providing mentorship are essential to encourage greater participation in various outreach activities and to establish a harmonious balance between academic curriculum and extracurricular pursuits.
A structured training schedule within dedicated NCC/NSS rooms, coupled with ongoing motivation and mentorship, is imperative to address these challenges effectively.
Supporting Evidence
for Best Practice-1
Sr. No. | Name of the | Conducted On | No. of Students |
1. | Participation | 26.01 2021 | 1 |
2. | First position of NCC Cadet in Inter-state Goju-Ryu Karate | 17.12.2022 | 1 |
3. | Disaster | 01.01.2023 to | 18 |
4. | CATC Camp | 03.07.2018 to 15.06. 2022 01.06.2023 to | 13 29 38 |
5. | Participation | 15.06.2023 to | 03 |
6. | Him-Trek | 19.06.2023 to | 2 |
7. | Participation |
| 18 |
8. | Blood | 2018-2023 |
9. | Plantation | 2018-2023 |
10. | Awareness | 2018-2023 |
11. | Cleanliness | 2018-2023 |
12. | NCC-CEE |
| >30 |
13. | NCC-BEE |
| >40 |
14. | 1st Position | 06.10.2021 to |
15. | Hands | 22.09.2022 |
Title of the Practice:
Enhancing Social Integration and Nurturing Values through Club and Society Engagement
- Establishing a diverse array of clubs and societies within the institution to foster Social Integration.
- Enhancing student engagement in social integration through a range of on-campus and outreach initiatives.
- Expanding the scope of social integration initiatives beyond existing frameworks such as NCC/NSS and R&R.
- Cultivating values among volunteers through meaningful engagement opportunities.
- Promoting awareness of social issues and public sensitization through the active involvement of student volunteers.
- Enhancing students’ interpersonal skills through structured engagement activities.
- Guiding youth towards embracing social integration as a cornerstone of their holistic development
The Context:
- Enhancing the horizon of student engagement in social integration activities is crucial, as currently, the options are limited to NCC/NSS, R&R (since 2021), Eco-Club, and a few others. Diversifying these options is paramount to increasing student participation.
- Social integration and student engagement play pivotal roles in various National and International Level Missions. Broadening the avenues for student involvement in these endeavours is imperative.
- Given that a significant portion of our student body hails from rural and economically poor backgrounds, engaging them in social integration activities and National and International Level Missions holds great importance. Their personal growth and the awareness they bring to their families and communities are invaluable.
- Fostering the exploration of talent across various domains is inherently incumbent upon educational institutions, with
diverse clubs and societies serving as instrumental platforms in fulfilling this responsibility.
The Practice:
The college has established various clubs and societies, which are managed by student members and their respective coordinators. These groups organize a wide range of activities throughout the year, significantly contributing to the nurturing of talent, development of leadership skills, and enhancement of students’ overall personalities.
Evidence of Success:
- The Electoral Literacy Club has conducted over 20 Social Voter Awareness Program (SVWP) activities in the past five years, benefitting more than 1500 individuals.
- The institution has organized more than 20 in-campus and outreach Cleanliness Drives over the last five years.
- Over 10 tree plantation drives have been organized by the institution, resulting in the planting of more than 200 trees both within and outside the campus premises.
- Over the past five years, the institution has organized more than 20 Road Safety Activities.
- The institution hosts more than 15 actively operating clubs and societies dedicated to promoting Social Integration.
- A student body exceeding 500 individuals actively participates in various clubs and societies within the institution.
- Various clubs and societies within the institution have organized approximately 100 different Social Integration activities over the past five years.
- Approximately 2000 students have been engaged in various Social Integration activities within the institution over the last five years.
- Students from various clubs and societies have achieved recognition, securing prizes in District and State Level activities.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Initially, approximately 20 clubs and societies were proposed by the IQAC for implementation. However, 5-6 of these clubs/societies
encountered challenges in establishment due to lack of student interest. Presently, 15 clubs and societies are operational within the institution, with around 7 demonstrating high levels of activity by conducting more than 10 activities annually. There is a need for increased motivation to engage students in various clubs and societies, as well as efforts to encourage participation among inactive volunteers. Adequate funds and sponsorships are necessary to facilitate activities on a larger scale. Additionally, active involvement and leadership from club/society in-charges are essential. The provision of dedicated rooms for the proper functioning of clubs and societies, currently
unavailable, is also required.
Supporting Evidences
for Best Practice-2
Sr. No. | Name of the | Conducted By | Conducted On | No. of Students |
Session 2022-23 | ||||
1. | Celebration | Patriotic | 16.07.2022 |
2. | A | GC Amb | 27.07.2022 |
3. | Selfie with | Patriotic | 08.08.2022 | 10 |
4. | Azadi | Patriotic Club | 10.08.2022 | 23 |
5. | Short Movie on | Patriotic | 11.08.2022 | 23 |
6. | Various | Patriotic Club | 12.08.2022 | 48 |
7. | Tiranga Yatra | Patriotic | 12.08.2022 | 120 |
8. | Cleanliness | NSS | 13.08.2022 | 47 |
9. | Awareness | Electoral | 21.08.2022 |
10. | Herbal | ECO Club & NSS | 23.08.2022 |
11. | Awareness | Electoral | 07.09.2022 |
12. | Celebration | Department of Hindi | 14.09.2022 |
13. | Seven Day | Department of | 13.09.2022 to | 30 |
14. | Workshop | Disaster Risk Management | 22.09.2022 | 50 |
15. | Celebration | NSS | 24.09.2022 |
16. | Competitions | Electoral Literacy | 07.10.2022 |
17. | Mehendi | Women | 12.10.2022 |
18. | Celebration | Disaster Risk Management | 13.10.2022 |
19. | One day | Training | 14.10.2022 | 22 |
20. | Cleanliness | NSS | 18.10.2022 |
21. | One Day | Training | 19.10.2022 | 120 |
22. | Celebration | NSS | 31.10.2022 |
23. | Celebration | Rover & | 07.11.2022 |
24. | Competition | Creativity & | 17.11.2022 |
25. | Blood Donation | GC Amb & | 25.11.2022 | 56 |
26. | Celebration | NSS, Patriotic Club | 26.11.2022 |
27. | Blood | NCC | 27.11.2022 | 80 |
28. | Oath | GC Amb | 15.12.2022 | 130 |
29. | Cleanliness | NSS | 16.11.2022 | 100 |
30. | Seven | NSS | 23.12.2022 to | 100 |
31. | Cleanliness | NSS | 24.12.2022 |
32. | Drug | NSS | 24.12.2022 |
33. | Cleanliness | NSS | 26.12.2022 |
34. | One | Training & | 07.02.2023 | 60 |
35. | Drug | NSS, NCC, Rover | 22.02.2023 |
36. | Declamation | Road Safety Club | 23.02.2023 | 66 |
37. | Slogan | Road Safety | 24.02.2023 | 13 |
38. | Annual | GC Amb | 25.02.2023 | 80 |
39. | Annual Prize | GC Amb | 06.03.2023 |
40. | Essay | Road Safety Club | 13.03.2023 | 19 |
41. | One Day | NCC | 14.03.2023 | 20 |
42. | One | Training & | 17.03.2023 | 200 |
43. | MOU Signed | Training | 18.03.2023 | 100 |
44. | Declamation | NSS, NCC & Rover | 23.03.2023 |
45. | Awareness | GC Amb | 27.03.2023 |
46. | One | Training & | 09.04.2023 |
47. | One day | IQAC | 11.04.2023 |
48. | Session | Training & | 12.05.2023 |
49. | 3 day | Training | 29.05.2023 to |
| Session 2021-22 | |||
50. | Plantation | Eco club | 10.08.2021 |
51. | Beautification | NSS, Eco Club | 11.08.2021 |
52. | Online Quiz | GC Amb | 14.08.2021 |
53. | Poetry | Department of Hindi | 14.09.2021 |
54. | Rally on | NCC,NSS | 16.09.2021 |
55. | Induction | GC Amb | 20.09.2021 |
56. | Celebration | NSS | 24.09.2021 |
57. | Science | GC Amb & Shabnam | 30.09.2021 |
58. | Cleanliness | NCC, NSS, Rover | 05.10.2021 |
59. | Swachh | NSS | 07.10.2021 |
60. | Rally on | NCC,NSS,RR | 23.10.2021 |
61. | Cleanliness | NCC, NSS, RR | 24.10.2021 |
62. | Collection of | NCC | 28.10.2021 |
63. | Drug | GC Amb | 29.10.2021 |
64. | Closing | NSS | 31.10.2021 |
65. | Career | Training & Placement | 17.11.2021 | 100 |
66. | Declamation | Electoral | 17.11.2021 | 15 |
67. | Declamation | GC Amb Nehru Yuva Kendra | 20.11.2021 | 10 |
68. | One Day camp | Electoral | 23.11.2021 | 25 |
69. | Celebration | NCC | 27.11.2021 |
70. | Celebration of | NSS | 01.12.2021 |
71. | Career | Training & | 07.12.2021 | 62 |
72. | Tribute to | GC Amb | 09.12.2021 |
73. | Awareness | NCC, NSS | 16.12.2021 |
74. | Awareness | NSS | 20.12.2021 |
75. | Inauguration | NSS | 20.12.2021 | 100 |
76. | Beautification | NSS | 21.12.2021 |
77. | Awareness | NSS | 21.12.2021 |
78. | Slogan | Road Safety | 24.02.2022 | 31 |
79. | Two | GC Amb | 24.02.2022 & 25.02.2022 |
80. | Celebration | GC Amb | 28.02.2022 |
81. | Rally | Road Safety Club | 02.03.2022 |
82. | Career | Training | 06.03.2022 | 75 |
83. | Celebration | GC Amb | 08.03.2022 |
84. | Essay Writing | Road Safety | 08.03.2022 | 22 |
85. | Annual | GC Amb | 17.03.2022 |
86. | Tribute to | NCC, NSS | 23.03.2022 |
87. | One | Training & | 24.03.2022 |
88. | Award | GC Amb | 31.03.2022 |
89. | One | NCC | 16.04.2022 | 30 |
90. | Placement | Training | 18.05.2022 | 68 |
91. | Placement | Training & | 20.05.2022 | 111 |
92. | Meeting of | GC Amb | 29.05.2022 | 35 |
93. | NCC | NCC |
| 15 |
94. | NCC “BEE” | NCC |
| 15 |
Session 2020-21 | ||||
95. | Celebration | Department of | 14.09.2020 |
96. | Honouring NCC cadets for their work towards Covid-19 | GC Amb | 15.09.2020 |
97. | Awareness | NSS | 10.02.2021 |
98. | Welcoming | GC Amb | 11.02.2021 |
99. | Awareness | NSS | 16.02.2021 |
100. | Cleanliness | NSS | 01.03.2021 |
101. | NSS Camp | NSS | 22.03.2021 | 100 |
102. | Closing | NSS | 29.03.2021 | 100 |
| Session 2019-20 | |||
103. | Rally | NSS | 08.07.2019 |
104. | Three Day | GC Amb | July, 2019 |
105. | Talent | GC Amb | 29.07.2019 |
106. | Plantation | NSS | 29.07.2019 |
107. | Rally | GC Amb & Nehru | 29.07.2019 | 150 |
108. | Cleanliness | NSS | 07.08.2019 |
109. | Career | Training & | 31.08.2019 |
110. | Celebration | GC Amb | 05.09.2019 |
111. | Celebration | Department of Hindi | 14.09.2019 |
112. | One day Camp | NSS | 14.09.2019 |
113. | Lecture | GC Amb | 11.09.2019 |
114. | Oath Taking | GC Amb | 25.09.2019 |
115. | Awareness | NSS & Department | 25.09.2019 |
116. | Welcoming | GC Amb,NCC | 30.09.2019 |
117. | Cleanliness | NSS,NCC | 02.10.2019 |
118. | Lecture against | GC Amb | 04.10.2019 |
119. | Competition | NCC,NSS | 19.10.2019 |
120. | Distribution | NSS | 01.11.2019 |
121. | Self-Defence | GC Amb | 02.11.2019 to |
122. | Cleanliness | NSS | 02.11.2019 |
123. | Learning | GC Amb | 04.11.2019 |
124. | One Day | Training | 05.11.2019 |
125. | One | GC Amb | 07.11.2019 |
126. | Blood | NSS & | 13.11.2019 | 30 |
127. | Awareness | NSS | 18.11.2019 |
128. | Competition | GC Amb | 13.12.2019 |
129. | Programme | GC Amb | 16.12.2019 |
130. | Declamation | GC Amb, ABVP,Vivekananda | 24.12.2019 | 19 |
131. | Seven | NSS | 21.12.2019 to | 100 |
132. | Cleanliness | NSS | 23.12.2019 |
133. | Cleanliness | NSS | 23.12.2019 |
134. | Annual | GC Amb | 24.12.2019 |
135. | Cleanliness | NSS | 26.12.2019 |
136. | Special | GC Amb | 26.12.2019 |
137. | Closing | NSS | 27.12.2019 |
138. | Tribute to | GC Amb | 14.02.2020 |
139. | CSCA | GC Amb | 19.02.2020 |
140. | Annual Prize | GC Amb | 24.02.2020 |
141. | Celebration | NSS | 08.03.2020 |
| Session 2018-19 |
142. | Induction | GC Amb | 03.07.2018 |
143. | Plantation | NSS | 17.07.2018 |
144. | Awareness | Eco Club | 19.07.2018 |
145. | Lecture on | GC Amb | 23.07.2018 |
146. | Mehndi | GC Amb | 25.07.2018 |
147. | Swachhta Pakhwara | NSS | 01.08.2018 to |
148. | Cleanliness | GC Amb | 03.08.2018 |
149. | Celebration | GC Amb | 16.08.2018 |
150. | Awareness | GC Amb | 28.08.2018 |
151. | Awareness | NSS | 14.09.2018 |
152. | Oath | GC Amb | 17.09.2018 |
153. | Workshop on | NSS & | 22.09.2018 |
154. | Blood | GC Amb & HDFC bank | 06.12.2018 |
155. | Nukkad Natak | NSS | 11.12.2018 |
156. | Annual | GC Amb | 14.12.2018 |
157. | Award | GC Amb | 14.12.2018 |
158. | Rally | NSS | 22.12.2018 |
159. | Closing | NSS | 26.12.2018 |
160. | CSCA | GC Amb | 21.02.2019 |
161. | Annual Prize | GC Amb | 23.02.2019 |
162. | Lecture | Red Ribbon Club | 06.03.2019 |
163. | Distribution | NSS | 01.05.2019 |
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